3rd Meeting of the DoQuP Project Board

3rd Meeting of the DoQuP Project Board

Astana (Kazakhstan), 24th August 2012


The 3rd meeting of the Project Board of the DoQuP project, composed by all the contact persons of the project partners, was held at the premises of Eurasian National University n.a. L. Gumilev in Astana, Kazakhstan, on 24th August 2012, just the day after the 2nd DoQuP Workshop on Information and Data for Quality Assurance of Study Programmes in Partner Countries, with the following Agenda:

  1. Opening and welcome
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Information by the Project Coordinator and Manager and other Participants
  4. Approval of the draft agenda
  5. Approval of the minutes of the 2nd  PB meeting
  6. Feedback from the field monitoring visit in Azerbaijan
  7. Appointment of the External Quality Control Team
  8. Approval of the proposal of Information and Data for QA of SPs in PCs
  9. Questionnaire for the gathering of the students’ opinions on the Information and Data for QA of SPs in PCs
  10. Program of the Training Seminar on Methodologies and Procedures of definition, gathering, elaboration and presentation of Information and Data for QA of SPs in PCs (SUBT, 10-12 October 2012)
  11. Schedule of the activities in the context of the 3rd Deliverable of WP.1
  12. Any other business
  13. Next PB meeting
  14. Close of the meeting

The main decision of the Project Board was the approval of the document “DoQuP Information and data for quality assurance of study programmes in partner countries”, available online at http://tempus-doqup.unige.it/documents.

The minutes of the meeting are available online to authorized people at http://tempus-doqup.unige.it/reservedarea