Quality Assurance of Study Programmes

‘Quality’ of study programmes is certainly one of the objectives of the Bologna process, whose main aim is the harmonisation of the tertiary educational systems in the European Higher Education Area.  

In this context, ‘quality assurance’ is the instrument to make study-programme quality transparent and trustworthy for students and employers.


To assure its quality a study programme should:

  • establish outcomes of the learning process which meet the needs and expectations of society and labour market, ensuring personal development and employment;
  • implement academic strategies suitable for achieving the declared aims;
  • document learning objectives, educational process, learning context, results and management system in order to provide evidence of its quality.


The focus of DoQuP project is the definition and implementation of an on-line documentation system for the quality assurance of study programmes in partner countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), consistent with the European Standards and Guidelines for internal quality assurance of higher education institutions, which has found a generalised acceptance in the European context and not only.