
Management Board



- USG: Alfredo Squarzoni, Angelo Musaio

- CRUI: Marina Cavallini

- UDAES: Nizar Ayadi

- KNUJB: Chinara Adamkulova

- BSUAZ: Guleyran Rahimova

- KAZNTU: Saule Aidarova

- TUTJ: Khurshed Teshaev

Invited persons:

- EANUKZ: Djamilya Nurmanbetova

- STUB: Eva Jankovichova


This composition was confirmed in the 2nd Project Board Meeting and updated in the 3rd Project Board Meeting.



To assure the coherent development of the project activities planned by the Project Board.

Representatives of the partner countries in the Management Board will function also as Scientific coordinators of the project management at country level.


MB Meetings

Please see the table below.



Project Board



Contact persons of all the partner institutions.



General planning of the project activities.


Planned Management Board (MB) and Project Board (PB) Meetings
Number Where When Coordination
1 IT – Genova 03-04.11.2011 USG
2 KG – Bishkek * 02-04.05.2012 KNUJB
3 KZ – Astana ** 22-24.08.2012 KAZNTU
4 TJ – Dushanbe *** 13-15.03.2013 TNUTJ
5 AZ – Baku **** 23-25.09.2013 BSUAZ
6 KZ – Almaty ***** 04-06.06.2014 KAZNTU
7 KG – Bishkek ****** 21-22.04.2015 KNUJB
* in coincidence with Workshop 1
** in coincidence with Workshop 2
*** in coincidence with Workshop 3
**** in coincidence with Workshop 4
***** in coincidence with Workshop 5
****** in coincidence with Final Conference.



Internal Quality Control and Monitoring Team (IQCMT)



Coincident with the Management Board.



- To assess the coherence of the planned activities with the designed activities.

- To monitor the correspondence of the activities carried out with the planned activities and the on-time assessment of the planned project results.

- To assess the quality of the project results.


IQCMT Meetings

7, in coincidence with the Management Board meetings.



External Quality Control Team (EQCT)



The composition was defined at the 2nd and revised at the 3rd Project Board meeting:

  • the Rector of the Applicant Institution, or his/her delegate;
  • the Minister or Deputy Minister of the Central Asian Partner Countries or the Rector, or his/her delegate, of one University not involved in the project, one for each PC.


Subsequently, the following were appointed to such task:

  • Prof. Alda Scopesi, Vice Rector for Education at University of Genoa
  • Prof. Asaf Zamanov, Rector at Baku In-service Teacher Training and Re-training Institute
  • Prof. Rahat Bekboeva, Rector of Higher School of Magistracy, Master’s Degree Department, at International University of Kyrgyzstan
  • Prof. Kobil Tolibov, First Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at Tajik State University of Commerce;
  • Prof. Gulnar Balakayeva, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at “Al-Farabi” University in Almaty.



- To assess the coherence of the planned activities with the designed activities.

- To monitor the correspondence of the activities carried out with the planned activities and the on-time assessment of the planned project results.

- To assess the quality of the project results.


EQCT meetings

3 meetings:

- 1st meeting (in Bologna on 30.11.2012)

- 2nd meeting in coincidence with Training Seminar 3 (in Rome on 15.11.2013)

- 3rd meeting in coincidence with Final Conference (in Bishkek on 22.04.2015).